Yesterday marks the 1 Year Anniversary of the Center shutting its doors (temporarily) for in-person work. At the time, we thought this was going to be a short-lived thing. Little did we know that a year later, a work-from-home setup would still be our current reality. While it took a couple months to get everything setup for students to work remotely, staff was able to transition smoothly to fulfilling our same roles away from the Center. For the students, after everything was configured, they were ready to hit the ground running. To say that everything runs as smoothly as it did when everyone was face-to-face in the Center would simply be untrue but I am proud to say that we have made the absolute most of the hand dealt to us. Through it all, we were actually able to grow the Center’s revenue last year from the previous year, obtain new projects, as well as finish the ones that we had already started pre-COVID. While we are unsure of when we are able to get back into the physical Center, we all hope it is sooner rather than later. Until then, onward and upward with new and exciting projects — remotely.